


{{#if:Big Data| }} {{#if:| }} {{#if:| {{#if:| | }} }} {{#if:| {{#if:| | }} }} {{#if:| {{#if:| | }} }} {{#if:| {{#if:| | }} }} {{#if:| {{#if:| | }} }} {{#if:| }}
Themenfeld Big Data
Autor [[{{{Autor}}}]]
Editiert am 12.3.2020
Material [[:{{{Material}}}|{{{Material_Name}}}]]
Material [[:{{{Material}}}|{{{Material}}}]]

<tagcloud style="background: black; width: 20%;"> min_size=55 exclude=browse </tagcloud>


<syntaxhighlight lang="python" line="1">

  1. Import the modules

import sys

import random

ans = True

while ans:

   question = raw_input("Ask the magic 8 ball a question: (press enter to quit) ")

   answers = random.randint(1,8)

   if question == "":

   elif answers == 1:
       print "It is certain"

   elif answers == 2:
       print "Outlook good"

   elif answers == 3:
       print "You may rely on it"

   elif answers == 4:
       print "Ask again later"

   elif answers == 5:
       print "Concentrate and ask again"

   elif answers == 6:
       print "Reply hazy, try again"

   elif answers == 7:
       print "My reply is no"

   elif answers == 8:
       print "My sources say no"
